The ultimate #WHUvAFC quiz
The ultimate #WHUvAFC quiz
How much do you know about previous games against West Ham?
How much do you know about previous games against West Ham?

True or false: Olivier Giroud scored his first Arsenal goal away at West Ham
In which year did West Ham last beat Arsenal at home?
Who set up two goals in our 3-3 draw away at West Ham last season?
What was the score in our first-ever Premier League match away at West Ham?
Who scored Arsenal’s first goal against West Ham under Arsène Wenger?
What was the score the last time we played West Ham in December?
In which year did this game take place?
Which of these former Arsenal strikers has never played for West Ham?
Which former Arsenal player is this, pictured here embracing Lee Dixon after we beat West Ham on penalties in 1998?
We’ve played 20 Premier League matches away at West Ham but how many points have we collected over that time?