The Eleven Weirdest Things Teachers Have Confiscated From Students-Some Of These Are Super Strange!
The Eleven Weirdest Things Teachers Have Confiscated From Students-Some Of These Are Super Strange!
You need books, pens, and paper. Not live shellfish. Leave that at home.
You need books, pens, and paper. Not live shellfish. Leave that at home.

My mom was teaching fifth grade and she had a little guy who was the youngest of five boys and always trying to act like his big brothers.
One day she heard him telling another child that he had some grass in his backpack and they should smoke it at recess. My mom demanded the backpack and inside she found exactly what the kid had said, a baggie full of grass. As in lawn grass, the kind you mow. Cute, huh?
Aww! Nice try buddy!
My husband teaches high school and confiscated 1900 plastic cups once, the material for a spontaneous performance art happening. Or a prank, depends on how you look at it.
I think he was rather ambivalent about it, because it was a really clever plan, but all in all somebody had to do it.
1900 plastic cups? Were did he even put those? In his desk?
As a high school teacher I have only confiscated phones and ipods. There was one instance when I took a phone from a student who was actually having a conversation on her phone (rather than texting). When I asked for the phone, she turned it over immediately, as she informed me she was speaking to her mother. I didn't believe her, so I said "hello" when she gave me the phone. Sure enough it was her mother who apologized and asked whether she was disturbing the class by calling her daughter in the middle of the school day!
Saw a kid focused on his hands in his desk, assumed he was texting. The school has a no cell phones rule, so I went over to confiscate it. Turns out he was rolling a joint, and had a sizeable bag of weed in the desk. High school's an experience...
Not smoking Weed in class seems like maybe a good rule?
I once confiscated a drawing book that one of my students was spending class time on (like in the middle of class he'd be drawing and not paying attention). I looked through and the entire thing is filled with explicit drawings of Shrek. I don't know what went through his mind when he drew those.
I'm not even mad, I'm....scared?
Not a teacher, but this previous year, this kid was peeling an orange in class instead of working on an essay. The sub got annoyed so he took it from him. The kid just simply shrugged before reaching into his backpack and pulled out another orange. He eats oranges everyday.
Gotta give this one to the kid. Who confiscates an Orange?