This Cow Thinks It's A Puppy, And Loves Her Humans The Most

Maybe cows are different in Australia?

Arthur Mills
Created by Arthur Mills
On Apr 26, 2016

This is Beryl. Beryl is a cow. Beryl, however, is pretty sure she's a dog. Anyway, here she is chilling in the living room.

Because why not.


Beryl is a pretty good cow most of the time; she even knows her Mom and Dads voices. When they call, she comes trotting over.

Beryl likes a good cuddle.


Beryl didn't even break anything when she went inside; she just took it easy and hung out by the pillows.

That's a pretty cute cow.


Beryl grew up with two puppies, so she isn't too sure that she's actually a cow. Beryl is pretty sure she's actually a puppy.

She even loves belly rubs.


Beryl is pretty fond of Fred and Wilma-the two puppies she grew up with. She's pretty happy to have two other puppies around.

'Look Wilma, puppies also go moo. I told you.'


But why the break in?

Maybe Beryl just needed a cuddle!


'She's just cheeky' says Mom. 'She's knows she's not meant to be inside.' Nice one Beryl. You're one hell of a cow.

Coming soon, to a Living Room Near You! (If you live in Australia)

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