This Little Girl Is Best Friends With A Very Grumpy Owl
This Little Girl Is Best Friends With A Very Grumpy Owl
The grumpy owl does not appreciate being hugged. Not at all,
The grumpy owl does not appreciate being hugged. Not at all,

Created by Arthur Mills
On Feb 18, 2016
Despite what you might think you know about Owls, because of Harry Potter and other such things, Owls aren't usually best friends with small humans. In fact, they tend to avoid them like the plague. But not Sir Fluffyface (it's what we're calling the owl. It may or may not be his name)
BFF's 4 Lyfe
Because Sir Fluffyface is still a wild animal, he sometimes isn't so keen about being cuddled by his number one fan.
"Jeez kid. Enough with the kissing already."
Though sometimes it seems he doesn't actually mind the attention all that much
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