Two Canadian Women Were Caught Smuggling 30 MILLION DOLLARS Worth Of Cocaine On A Cruise Ship-And They Instagrammed The Whole Trip!
Two Canadian Women Were Caught Smuggling 30 MILLION DOLLARS Worth Of Cocaine On A Cruise Ship-And They Instagrammed The Whole Trip!
Now that's a vacation to remember...because it might be their last!
Now that's a vacation to remember...because it might be their last!

Created by Arthur Mills
On Aug 31, 2016
The penalty for smuggling what's considered to be a commercial amount of an illegal substance is a life sentence. So it looks like they won't be seeing sandy beaches for a very very long time!
What do YOU think about this? Should these women be given life in prison? Is it possible they were working on the orders of someone else? Have YOUR say in comments below and don't forget to share this with your friends!
This does look pretty epic...
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On Nov 18, 2021