Which Far Cry 4 character are you?
Which Far Cry 4 character are you?
Discover which of the Far Cry 4 characters you are! Ranging from Sabal to Pagan Min himself, there are a number of people to get.
Discover which of the Far Cry 4 characters you are! Ranging from Sabal to Pagan Min himself, there are a number of people to get.

What do you think an appropriate leader should act like?
How are you when it comes to your past?
A person won't stop bugging you. At first, you don't mind, but now it's starting to really affect your way of life. What do you do?
Someone REALLY doesn't like you, but you're not sure why. What do you do?
How do you feel about meeting new people?
How would you say you handle stressful situations?
Which do you prefer: Tradition or modernization?
How much does family matter to you?
Lastly, what would you do as the leader of a country that is set on religion and old traditions?
Ajay Ghale
Ajay Ghale
Although at times you may be a bit clueless on your situation, you are quick to adapt and can easily make split-decisions. You try to see both sides of an argument, but also want to stand up for yourself. Trying to please everyone has been your downfall, as others have gotten upset at you, or you even let yourself down. In the end, you always try to do what is best.
Pagan Min
Pagan Min
You crave for power and attention. Sometimes it's easily given to you, while other times you have to work for it. Sometimes what you think might be best is not always what needs to happen. You prefer to give people options instead of having them do their own thing. People often misunderstand your actions, however. Although they seem unjust and too strong, you still want a good state of being and you want what is best, no matter the cost. You aren't afraid of hurting other's feeling, but after a long trial of manipulation, you give them what they want. In the end, you may just seem like a bad guy, but with far greater ideas for the future.
You tend to keep traditional and don't like change. Everything is perfectly fine just the way it is. You love your family and value every life. Sometimes your traditions get in the way of things and people. Often times, people see you as biased and selfish, but you only want to keep things the same.
You enjoy traditions, but you think it's time to move on. Modernization is key, and you are aiming to get there. You don't care which paths you take to get there, as long as money flows in to get past and onto a new, modern, world. People sometimes picture you as the hasty and bossy type, and sometimes rude, but you don't let them get in your way. Besides, who has the right to stop you from making the world a better place?
You are fiercely independent and don't mind stepping on people's shoes to get what you want. You've moved on from the past and now you look to the future. A future where you saw yourself with money and power. Family doesn't mean much to you, although they once did. Despite all this, there is still a soft spot in you that you may not even know of. Some people are able to reach inside of you and bring joy to your life. It just takes some time.
De Pleur
De Pleur
Work and family. That's all that matters. You are willing to do anything for your family, even if that means hurting others, or even lying to them. You're always working for your family. You hate sitting around doing nothing, especially when you could be doing something to support your family. Although you seem like a ruthless, hard, jerk on the outside, your family sees you as a supportive and wonderful person.
Yogi and Reggie
Yogi and Reggie
You view life in a different way. A way that people often saw as a little too optimistic. You live for the moment and don't regret anything. This sometimes annoy others, as you don't seem to give into any other view. Nothing seems to be a problem to you, which often confuses people the most, but you don't mind.
The past still weighs heavily on your shoulders, but you try to move on. You try to take power to avoid your sorrows, but that always backfires. No one really knows you, just that you seem to be a power-hungry dictator. What they don't know is that you have suffered, and that you are trying to get better. Sometimes you don't think you know much about yourself, too. But things are bound to get better, so never give up.