In Which Way Do You Think According To Your Senses?
In Which Way Do You Think According To Your Senses?
Do you think in colors, vibrations or physical sensations?
Do you think in colors, vibrations or physical sensations?

How does this smell?
How does this taste?
How does this make you feel?
What do you hear?
How does this look?
What do you smell?
How does this taste?
How does this make you feel?
What do you hear?
What do you see?
You think in colors & images!
You think in colors & images!
You have an extremely vivid imagination. You're a very visual person and think in images, colors and pictures. You creative brain allows you to conceptualize ideas and think of clear ways to turn them into reality. You tend to describe and observe most things based on how they look and how aesthetically pleasing they are. Since sight is your strongest sense, and you perceive the world around you visually, you can sometimes be shallow and more concerned with appearances than you should be. In general though, your keen talent for thinking in pictures makes you excellent at remembering things and able to absorb information faster than most people.
You think in sounds and rhythms
You think in sounds and rhythms
You are an incredibly audio perceptive person. You think in sounds and rhythms and you're sensitive to noise. You hear music all around you, from the ticking of a clock to the howling of wind, you pick up very easily on the natural melodies occurring around you at all times. You remember conversations, situations and events based on what sounds were going on around you at the time. You are that person who remembers every conversation you've had with people. Sometimes you can get lost in your own thoughts, the sounds you imagine almost tune you out of reality as your mind wanders and you lose focus of what's in front of you. Your precise listening skills and affinity for sounds and rhythms make you a great conversationalist and musically talented.
You think in taste and smell
You think in taste and smell
You have exceptionally strong senses of taste and smell. The faintest smell can bring you the strongest memories of another time and place. Your nostalgia and reminiscing of your childhood especially, is triggered by various foods and different scents. When you think about something you imagine the very physical, sensory aspects of that situation or event.