Are You An Angel Or A Demon?
Are You An Angel Or A Demon?
Take this fun quiz to figure out if you are more of a sweet angel or a demon. Many questions based on the actual Christian bible, so enjoy :)
Take this fun quiz to figure out if you are more of a sweet angel or a demon. Many questions based on the actual Christian bible, so enjoy :)
Which Of These Pictures Of Flowers Appeals Most To You?
How Easily Do You Become Jealous?
Which Of These Colours Look More Appealing?
When Working With Others, What Is Your Role In The Group?
If You Were Given The Option To Go Back To A Date Of Your Choosing And Change One Thing, Would You Do It?
Which Of These Settings Would You Wish To Be In?
What Is Your Weapon Of Choice?
How Do You Celebrate Holidays?
Do You Most Like Salty Foods Or Sweet Foods?
What Do You Think Happens When You Die?
You're An Angel
You're An Angel
You are more of an angel than a demon. You are loyal and kind, you care often for others but you have a bit of a jealousy problem. You wish that you could have what others have, but in the end you know to be grateful for what you have. You may or may not be the praying type, but even then you are never afraid to ask for help. You know you aren't the highest authority, but you are okay with that.
You're A Demon
You're A Demon
You are more of a demon than an angel. You are definitely the jealous type, and usually this jealousy is a hindrance to your everyday life. You care for other people's feelings, but you just aren't sure how to take care of them. You know you are low authority, but you wish that you were the highest. However, when someone of higher authority gives you an order, you don't hesitate to obey.