Personality Test: Which South Park Character Are You?
Personality Test: Which South Park Character Are You?
Discover your inner Cartman... or Kenny? Maybe Kyle? Find out with this South park personality test!
Discover your inner Cartman... or Kenny? Maybe Kyle? Find out with this South park personality test!

In this South Park personality test, we're going to find out which character you're most like! YUP... That's right. Get excited.
Are you Kyle? Someone with strong beliefs, a somewhat-short temper, and pretty gullable?
Or maybe you're Kenny? The most *experienced in the group? *Click if you're not sure what that's supposed to mean!
How about Butters? This would mean you're someone extremely sweet with a warm personality that everyone (and we mean everyone) finds comforting. You're much gentler and kinder than the other main characters.
Goth Kids, Stan and Eric are also up for grabs! But... You'll have to get them as your result to find out more about them
Ready to go? Get into South Park mode - NOW.
What type of person are you?
The most important thing in your life
What is your attitude towards violence?
You are short on money and your favorite movie is showing, you.....
Which of these choices best describes you?
You are stranded on a island and you can only have one thing
What's your favorite genre?
Favorite color?
Hair color?
Two friends are in trouble... You can only save one, How do you choose?
Cartman is described in various terms; in short, he is an evil, vicious, angry, and insane child. He is the most foul-mouthed character in the show. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. The very dark, usually disturbing undertones to his personality often hint at an extreme mental imbalance. Apart from being portrayed as having a general lack of moral responsibility or social conscience, he also seems to take pleasure from others' misfortune and is generally unable to show empathy.
Kyle has extremely strong beliefs, and when forced to question them, he becomes very upset and has somewhat a short temper. For the most part, Kyle bases his decisions on both his emotions and beliefs; therefore, he is easily coaxed into fights or manipulated by his feelings.
Stan is generally the most tender and sensitive of the four boys. Stan is often very moral. He also showed some heroism. He is usually the one who is unaffected by the many scams, cults, and mass influences that South Park has been subjected to, and has a knack for seeing through falsely glorified practices and celebrities.
Kenny is the most sexually knowledgeable and experienced of the group. In earlier episodes, when an unknown term is introduced to Stan, Kyle and Cartman, Kenny will be called upon by his friends to clarify. It provides comic relief with his muffled speech. Kenny has become apathetic towards his inability to die. After so many deaths - both quick and painful - he views his demise as no more than an inconvenience - an excruciating and agonizing one, but still extremely annoying.
Butters has a warm personality that everyone finds comforting. Fans consider him one of the sweetest, most innocent, and most gullible characters on the show. He is unique because he has the personality of a child, in contrast to the other more cynical, adult-like kids. He is generally much nicer and much more naive than the four main characters.
Goth Kids
Goth Kids
The Goth Kids are very stereotypical goths. They rarely go to school and prefer to sit around all day drinking coffee and smoking. They constantly go on about how pointless and painful life is. They also like to go to the cemetery often, where they write poems about death and sorrow. To them, everyone who follows along with normal life and the path of average citizens are "conformists", whom they despise.
How often do you watch South Park?
How often do you watch South Park?