Which "Holes" Main Character are you?

Take this quiz to find out which main character from Holes you are most like! Relating to a character in the story, will make reading the book even more exciting and easy to relate to.

Aubrie Knezevich
Created by Aubrie Knezevich(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 8, 2016

In your friend group, which of these would you describe yourself as?

When you find yourself on a tough situation, how do you react?

If you were to find yourself in trouble with the police, what would it most likely be for?

When it comes to participating in a competition, what sounds most like you?

Of these traits, which do you feel applies to you the most?

Which snack would you choose?

When confronted in an argument or dealing with a difficult situation, how do you handle it?

If someone were to consider you an ally, which type would you be?

You are Stanley

You are Stanley

You see yourself as the underdog in many situations but often find yourself as a leader or ending up as the unlikely hero. When you find yourself in a sticky situation, it's usually because you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are loyal, honest, and try to do the right thing when presented with the opportunity.

You are Zero

You are Zero

You are often seen as the follower or the outsider. You often find yourself fading into the background or just going along with everyone because of your humble attitude and desire to stay true to who you are. When faced with your insecurities or weaknesses, you strive to overcome them and don't let them get in the way of your success. You tend to shy away from taking the responsibility for your actions , but if given the opportunity, try to do the right thing. Though you are meek and sometimes blend in, your strengths show through your loyalty to friends, and your self-sacrificing attitude.

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