Which Place From Greek Mythology Are You?
Which Place From Greek Mythology Are You?
Each place in greek mythology has its own stories and myths. Find out which one you are.
Each place in greek mythology has its own stories and myths. Find out which one you are.
Do you like being around people?
Are you able to get along with everyone or only a certain group of people?
Are you strong and firm in your beliefs?
Have you had any significant achievements before?
It is Friday night, would you rather...
go out for a drive (alone)
go out with your friends
or stay home and get some work done?
What is your astrological sign?
Do you think people consider you to be trustworthy?
If you were to plan a party for your friends, what would be the theme?
Where would you rather eat dinner?
Do you tend to get caught up in chaotic or complicated situations?
Favourite sport?
What genre of music do you prefer?
The lady or the tiger?
If you won the lottery, you would...
Do you have any special talents? (even small ones)
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus
You are Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus is where the Olympian gods reside and where all the intense debates between gods and deities took place. Some would consider Mount Olympus a great place to live, with it's giant palaces and the throne of Zeus. Some of its residents on the other hand, well...let's just say a lot of unexpected things can happen.
Being Mount Olympus says that you are a brave soul, that is scared of almost nothing. You only give yourself the best, and even if you aren't the most reliable person out there, you're still pretty trustworthy
Fields of Punishment
Fields of Punishment
The Fields of Punishment, located in the Underworld, are the place where evil and corrupt souls were sent after their death. After the three judges decide that a soul will go to the Fields of Punishment, Hades decided what kind of punishment they got. Now I'm not saying that you're an evil person and that you're going to be doomed to hell in the afterlife.
I'm saying that you are a person that is strong and firm in morals and believes in justice. You are a good judge of the character, and can tell when a person isn't doing the right thing.
Elysian Fields
Elysian Fields
The Elysian (or Elysium) Fields are located in the Underworld, and where souls who had done many significantly "good" things on earth were sent after they died. It is mainly heroes that get into the Elysian Fields, but normal people whose actions benefited the people around them could also get in.
You are a kind-hearted fellow, that like help out their friends and family in any kind of tough situation. You're actions almost always benefit those around you, and you think about others before yourself.
Fields of Asphodel
Fields of Asphodel
The Fields of Asphodel, located in the Underworld, was where the people who weren't "good" or "bad were send after they died. This is where most people are sent when they go to the Underworld.
You are, frankly, a pretty boring person. You always like to stick to the shadows and stay away from crowds. You have never done anything significantly "good" or "bad" and you aren't very well-known
Athens is the capital of Greece, and was named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She became their patron goddess after she offered them an olive tree, which represented peace.
You are a calm and peaceful person, who prefers to spend time alone. you are talented in many subjects, and are very time efficient. You prefer to stay out of drama, and would rather talk things out than start a fight.
Atlantis is a sunken island, located beyond the pillars of Hercules. The people of Atlantis have a bounty of natural resources, magnificently engineered buildings, and great military power. It is essentially a Utopia.
You are a very wise lad that has had a number of academic and physical achievements in the past. You also excel in all subjects. You're basically perfect, okay, there's really nothing else to say.
Themiscyra is the capital of a country of female warriors called Amazons. In the DC world, Wonder Women originated from Themiscyra.
Even if you aren't female, you can relate to the warriors that live there. You are strong and brave and are always up for a challenge. You never back down from a serious or troubling situation. Even though, you can get angry quite easily, you always have a reason.
Crete is the largest island in Greece. Many stories from greek mythology have taken place there. Zeus was born there, and he also slayed a giant lizard that was attacking the island. It is the place where Kind Minos' palace is, and was the home of the Minotaur.
You are outgoing and social and loves to be around crowds. You're not super reliable, but still pretty trustworthy. You continue to grow and develop everyday, and take each experience in life as a lesson.