Divergent Aptitude Test
Divergent Aptitude Test
What faction do you belong to? Take the quiz and find out.
What faction do you belong to? Take the quiz and find out.
You wake up in a field alone. You hear a voice that tells you to run. What is your response?
You open your eyes to see yourself in a mirror. What is your response?
You're walking around a big city, but it seems to be empty. You see someone in the distance standing completely still, appearing to be looking at you. What is your response?
You're caught at the scene of a crime, and are immediately arrested. What is your response?
You find a necklace around your neck. You soon realize the necklace is stolen. Seconds later, a man asks you if the necklace is yours. What is your response?
The day is coming to a close and you must depart from your friends. How do you bid a goodnight?
You must choose your faction of origin, or the factionless. Which do you choose?
You are told to select one faction to be disbanded, making the inhabitants factionless. What faction will you choose?
You're deadly afraid of something. That something is coming your way. You know you are in a simulation, and it cannot hurt you. However, you do this . . .
There is a box with explosives besides you. Three people are placed in front of you. One is wearing blue, one is wearing orange, one is wearing white. You are instructed to give the box to one of the three people before it detonates. Who do you give it to?
Choose one.
You are Dauntless.
You are Erudite
You are Candor
You are Amity
You are Abnegation