Can You Guess The Car From Its Engine Sound?
Can You Guess The Car From Its Engine Sound?
Do you know all there is about car engine sounds? Are you an automobile audio aficionado, a car spotter extraordinaire? Can you tell your V8 from your boxer, or a rotary from a V12? If you can answer ‘yes’ to all of the above – you might like to have a shot at crushing our latest quiz.
App developers Black Dog Developments have lent us 10 of the engine noise sounds from their rather addictive car trivia app for iPhone and iPad. But can you identify the car that made them?
Do you know all there is about car engine sounds? Are you an automobile audio aficionado, a car spotter extraordinaire? Can you tell your V8 from your boxer, or a rotary from a V12? If you can answer ‘yes’ to all of the above – you might like to have a shot at crushing our latest quiz.
App developers Black Dog Developments have lent us 10 of the engine noise sounds from their rather addictive car trivia app for iPhone and iPad. But can you identify the car that made them?

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