Can you feel the Holy Spirit?

There are 9 fruits of the spirit talked about in Paul's letter to the Galatians 5:22-25. By giving up our own selfish desires and living a life dedicated to Jesus Christ, we can gain these gifts of the spirit. How well do you know the 9 fruits of the spirit, which there is no law against?

Autumn Angel Art
Created by Autumn Angel Art (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 9, 2017
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DO YOU FEEL AGAPE? Agape is the fruit of the spirit known as love. Agape is an unbreakable kind of love, one that does not expect back and does not count the wrongs or rights of others. Which of the following choices is agape? Imagine someone who pestered you all through the school year is suddenly in a car accident. How would agape react?

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DO YOU FEEL CHARA? Chara is the fruit of the spirit known as joy. It's not happy joy as we know it, but rather it's calm and whole. Which of the following choices is chara? If you lost your job and your rent is overdue, and then a stranger gives you a check for the exact amount due, how does chara react?

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DO YOU FEEL EIRENE? Eirene is the fruit of the spirit known as peace. When you have this fruit, you are unshaken by fear, and even when a bad event happens, you are not afraid. Can you name which of the following is eirene? Imagine you survived a sinking cruise ship, and washed ashore, but have no idea whether you'll be rescued; how would eirene react?

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DO YOU FEEL MAKROTHUMIA? Makrothumia is the fruit of the spirit known as patience, or forbearance. When you are wronged by an enemy, and the wrong changes your life, yet you do not feel hatred and instead endure, you are feeling makrothumia. What happens if you are sentenced to jail for a lifetime because of a murder you didn't do? Choose which is makrothumia:

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DO YOU FEEL CHRESTOTES? Chrestotes is the fruit of the spirit known as kindness. To have chrestotes is to know how to respond to a person, having a quality character, one that will act in favor of the other's well-being, being sensitive to their needs. If you were asked to take care of your relative's boy who is rowdy and hyper, which of the following would be chrestotes?

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DO YOU FEEL AGATHOS? Agathos is the fruit of the spirit known as goodness. It is not hard to feel agathos, if you train yourself to think on positive thoughts daily, avoiding what feels wrong. It comes from a clean mind and the genuine desire not to sin. For a minute, imagine your neighbor's mother just passed away, and you know she lives alone. What would you do to be agathos?

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DO YOU FEEL PISTOS? Pistos is the fruit of the spirit known as faithfulness. The meaning of it is: keep your promises, remain true to the cause, and never give up. For example, conflicting interests: if you told your boss you'd have a project done by Friday, but you get delayed and have to work overtime to finish it, but your wife expects you to spend time at home, what is the pistos type of response?

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DO YOU FEEL PRAOTES? Praotes is the fruit of the spirit known as gentleness. The Bible often speaks of being slow to anger, modest, humble, and forgiving, and to carefully teach in a quiet, slow manner: all that is praotes. So in the case where a group of people nearby is speaking against someone whom you know very well, and you know that person is not like they say, what would be the praotes kind of response?

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DO YOU FEEL ENKRATEIA? Enkrateia is the fruit of the spirit known as self-control. It is not a superpower, but it is to be aware of your conscience, knowing how to calculate right from wrong, weighing both, and then preventing yourself from doing wrong. For example, imagine a package arrived. It is a do-it-yourself building kit. You want to open it right now, because you like to read the manual before you start building, but your brother wants to see it with you, and he’s not here. Problem is, he always starts building it without reading the manual, and the two of you get into a heated argument about how to do it, ruining the experience. How would enkrateia have you react?

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