How Avery are You?
How Avery are You?
Do you want to know how close you are to perfection? Well this quiz will help!!
Do you want to know how close you are to perfection? Well this quiz will help!!

Are you good at sports?
Do you care about getting good grades?
Do you BBYO?
Do you BBYHOE?
Do you wear makeup to school?
Are you already preparing for your life when you're 50 years old?
You are NOTHING like Avery!
You are NOTHING like Avery!
Avery and you have nothing in common, but hey, opposites attract *wink wink*
You are KINDA like Avery!
You are KINDA like Avery!
You and Avery have a little bit in common, but you really only talk because you only know each other in a class and have a streak on snap
You are REALLY like Avery!
You are REALLY like Avery!
You and Avery have SOO much in common!! You are almost exactly alike, luck you!! No wonder you get along!!
You are EXACTLY like Avery!
You are EXACTLY like Avery!
You and Avery are like twins!!! CAH-RAY-ZEE!!! You two always know what the other is thinking and get along too well!!! You gotta know that Avery thinks that YOU (and she) are the BOMB.COM!!!