Which Game Of Thrones House Should You've Been Born In?
Which Game Of Thrones House Should You've Been Born In?
May the light of the seven be with you...
May the light of the seven be with you...
House Stark
House Stark
You Should Have Been Born In House Stark! According to your answers, the North is with no doubt your home in Westeros. You are clearly of the North. Honor-bound to your liege Lord, you were taught that honor is what makes the North so great. It is why none have ever been able to claim its lands through conquest alone. Not only is the North too wild and too vast, but it is too loyal to its own, which makes the actions of the traitorous House Bolton even more disgusting and dishonorable. The North has a sense of righteous justice descended through them by the First Men. For always, the North Remembers.
House Lannister
House Lannister
You Should Have Been Born To House Lannister! According to our team of experts, this is the High Noble House of Westeros you no doubt belong to. Famous for being tricky and clever strategists, the Lannisters are never afraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to protecting the family's self-interest. They have even fathomed themselves equal only to the Targaryens, whom they deposed during Robert's Rebellion with the help of the Baratheons and Starks. You share their quick wit and willingness to do anything!
House Baratheon
House Baratheon
You Should Have Been Born To House Baratheon! According to your answers, this is the High Noble House you would be descended from in Westeros. The Baratheons tend to rely on their strength to get things done. Like you, they are to the point and punctual, thinking pragmatic and strategically in order to secure their advantage. After Aegon's conquest, the Baratheons married into the Targaryens, giving them some measure of legitimacy when Robert Baratheon took the Iron Throne. It is little practicalities like this that have made the Baratheons High Lords for centuries.
House Tyrell
House Tyrell
You Should Have Been Born To House Tyrell! According to our team of experts, you have the honor of being descended from the Lords of the Reach. House Tyrell's land is famously fruitful in terms of its farm production, feeding much the Stormlands and becoming rich and powerful in the process. They played a crucial role in the Lannister victory against Stannis Baratheon and the feeding of the city afterward. While some of the Tyrells can be buffoonish, there are others who more clever and cunning for their own good, like yourself! Now keep growing strong.
House Targaryen
House Targaryen
You Should Have Been Born In House Targaryen! According to your answers, you are undoubtedly a Targaryen through and through. House Targaryen is one of the forty ancient noble houses called Dragonlords who ruled the Valyrian Freehold. They survived The Doom by just a decade and set up an outpost on the island of Dragonstone. After about a century, your ancestors unified Westeros and conquered the Seven Kingdoms, with the help of your dragons. Unfortunately, after Robert's Rebellion, there is not many of you left in the world!
House Martell
House Martell
You Should Have Been Born To House Martell! According to our team of experts, this is the House that you belong to most. Of all the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne was the one that was never able to conquered, even after multiple attempts. It was not until over a hundred years later that your ancestral home became part of the Seven Kingdoms through marriage into the Great House Targaryen who ruled the Seven Kingdoms. Because you were never conquered, your High Lords still dawn their ancient title of Prince!