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Why You Should Choose Cryoviva for Preserving Your Baby’s Stem Cells?

Stem cells present in the umbilical cord blood are essentially the building blocks of the human body. They are capable of self-renewal, i.e., they can reproduce themselves many times over. Therefore, it makes all the sense to preserve the stem cells present in the umbilical cord at the time of the child’s birth.

Cryoviva is a Delhi-NCR based company that has networks in all the towns of India and provides a high-end processing and storage technology approved by International authorities for Cord blood and Tissue Preservation. Cryoviva stem cell banking has spread beyond the shores to UAE, Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh, Nepal, and East Africa, which makes it the only Indian Cord Blood bank available in International Market.

Avinash Mittal
Created by Avinash Mittal (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 4, 2019
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Steps in Cryoviva Cord Blood Banking

These are the steps taken in Cryoviva stem cell banking

1.    The umbilical cord is clamped and cut when the baby is delivered.
2.    The expert collects the cord blood from the umbilical cord vein. 
3.    Collected cord blood is packed safely packed in transfer kits, and they reach the Cryoviva lab within 24 hours.
4.    For maximum safety, sample quality is evaluated, and all the required tests are conducted 
5.    Cord blood is processed by the patented technologies to get the maximum number of stem cells.
6.    Finally, the product is stored at -196 degree Celsius for 21 years.

Advantages of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells 

Rich Source of Stem Cells
Cord blood is believed to have ten times the amount of stem cells than it is found in the bone marrow of an equal portion.

Regenerative Source
Since stem cells present in cord blood are younger, they are more likely to have proliferative properties than bone marrow stem cells; this implies that cord blood stem cells have a greater ability to regenerate.

About 30000 individuals are diagnosed annually with health issues that require stem cell transplants. However, of these individuals, 75% don’t have a matching relative for a bone marrow transplant, and about 70% fails even to find a donor. Because of life-threating problems such as cancer, certain immune deficiencies and blood disorders, many individuals die before they are able to find a donor. On the other hand, with cord blood banking stem cells are readily available for transplants, a fact that is true for both private & public banking.

A cord blood transplant is a quick and painless collection procedure because the stem cells are removed from the umbilical cord. A blood marrow transplant, on the other hand, is an invasive procedure that requires general anaesthesia, where bone marrow is removed from the rear of the pelvic bone through a series of injections.
Therefore, it is beneficial to a cord blood bank as reliable as Cryoviva for giving your child and the entire family a gift of a lifetime.

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