what regular show character are you?
what regular show character are you?
Are you muscle man , rigby , mordecai , benson , skips or someone else ?
Are you muscle man , rigby , mordecai , benson , skips or someone else ?
are you happy all the time?
are you back at asking people out
do you like video games
do you do your work
are you young or old
(young 10-13) (old 14-16)
do you fix things
do you have an embarrassing parents
are you quiet
do you have a short temper
who do you think would win in a fight
do you hate anyone
you are the wise skips has an interesting and mysterious past due to his immortality. Everybody relies on him to solve supernatural problems, and he almost always has the answer.
muscle man
muscle man
you are the prankster muscle man even know muscle man is irritating has a sweet side
you are the epic gamer Mordecai is mild-mannered and laid back. Like Rigby, he lacks clothing, plays video games, sings karaoke, and drinks copious amounts of coffee and soda
you are the troublemaker Rigby can be best described as a "wild adult", even though he is past his teenage years. He becomes frustrated, frightened, confused or sad very easily, making his behavior very predictable.
you are the strict benson is easily the most short-tempered character of all the park workers. Whenever he is greatly upset, Benson loses his temper turning red
you are the caring CJ she a kind and cool personality, being an individual who enjoys a lot of the same things that Mordecai does, including video games, rock bands, and generally goofing off, though she deeply cares for her friends
you are the quirky Eileen she is a shy, intelligent, and timid mole.
you are the jolly Pops he is a naive, lollipop-shaped man who is almost always in a jolly mood.