Which X- men Character are you
Which X- men Character are you
X- men is coming out Memorial Day and that means why not make a test about some of the best Mutants. Answer a simple 5 questions to show which character are you, are you good or bad or neutral, and most importantly are you an important character or a not so important character
X- men is coming out Memorial Day and that means why not make a test about some of the best Mutants. Answer a simple 5 questions to show which character are you, are you good or bad or neutral, and most importantly are you an important character or a not so important character

Which Power would you want if you were a mutant?
If you were Mystique what would you use your powers for ?
Which animal do you have more in common with ?
Depending on how people treat you
Fav Album of 2015
Final question let faith decide............................................
You are Wolverine, you may have some anger issues but you also have the intensions and senses of a wolf. You are not the one to do things in a group but when you have to you will sooner or later come to your senses and take the help why you can get it. And on the plus side you got shiny blades that come out of your hand.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right?
You are Rouge, Fierce and dangerous.But thats not Rouge she is a awesome heck of a girl who does not let her power over come who she is but she lets her power in and does not always care about what people think of her or her power. She has become one with her power.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right
You are Magneto, ok ok you are a bit evil but that does not stop you from fighting and protecting what you believe in and if thats bad everyone is right. Magneto is strong, fierce, challenging, and has the power to control metal I mean come on that you have to admit is cool.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right
Professor Xavier
Professor Xavier
You are professor x, that right there is pure intelligence. You are smart,capable to control people in this world using psychology because I really don't know if mutants are real, you are on with many, and you also contradict peace with many people.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right
Hey you are Beast, ok once you get past the blue,big, thing you get a highly intelligent man who can start probally a big business or make peace between people of different opinions or being and that is the ultimate power.After all Beast is well a beast as a mutant and is also the highly intelligent man we know he is.
How did we do,
I am the X-men Queen right right
Hello your Storm, Storm can let alone control the weather and is really nice women her self. She can probally start the biggest foundation in the world if she wanted to, she can interact with people and probally start a whole new world then again if she wanted to. This character is a triple threat and if thats nobody I don't know who is.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right
Oh my goodness, you are mystique, You can fit in with the crowd and you know you are a neutral type person but you do not let anything stop you. You can kick butt, break in, and fit in.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right
You are quick sliver, dang you are one fast machine you maybe can go around the world in 10 seconds if you wanted to. You have some form of charm and humor but do not know what is your purpose or goal in life. And just saying you are kind of a neutral person.
How did we do, I am the X-men Queen right right