FrogWatch USA
FrogWatch USA
Hoppy World Frog Day 2019
Hoppy World Frog Day 2019
My ideal Friday night is
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I would love to live in...
Do you ever show up unannounced?
What is your go-to karaoke song?
What is your favorite rainy evening activity?
You are a Spring Peeper!
You are a Spring Peeper!
You are always the first to the party! You love to make yourself heard, and always stand out in a crowd. You are amazing Spring Peeper!
You are so cute, but also powerful and driven!
Your Call:
-high pitched ascending whistle
-call made once per second "peep, peep, peep"
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You are an American Toad!
You are an American Toad!
People look to you as a leader! You are confident and clear. You set your own path, and beat to the drum of a different toad. You go toad!
Your Call:
-a musical trill lasting 5-30 seconds
-simultaneous whistle and hum
Your favorite shoe:
Open Toad
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You are a Southern Leopard Frog!
You are a Southern Leopard Frog!
You are wise beyond your years. Although you are sometimes thoughtful and pragmatic you still have a wild side. You are a fierce force to be reckoned with. You are kind to your friends, but will fight for what you believe in.
No need to look for jungle cats, we have our own Leopard right here!
Your Call:
- low guttural snore lasting 3 sounds, followed by several clucking notes
-prehistoric, or like an old heavy door creaking
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You are an American Bullfrog!
You are an American Bullfrog!
People know when you have arrived....and honestly for a while before you have arrived too. You are not shy, and will not hesitate to share your opinion... which is fine because you are usually right anyways!
You can make do with what you have available and can flourish most places you go. You are so crafty you Bullfrog, you.
Your Call:
-deep pitched "rummmm....rummmmm....rummmmm"
-call resembles a bull and can be heard for more than a quarter mile
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You are a Northern Pacific Treefrog!
You are a Northern Pacific Treefrog!
You are a classic. You will fit right in anywhere you go, and can blend into almost any crowd. You speak softly, but have all the facts to astonish any debate partner. Everybody loves a treefrog!
You are a nature-lover, and feel like you can breathe deeply in the Pacific Northwest.
Your Call:
-two part "Ribbit"
-frequently used in films/ Hollywood film recordings
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You are an Eastern Spadefoot!
You are an Eastern Spadefoot!
Wow are you clever Spadefoot! You know how to dig to the bottom of any mystery. You are so resourceful, and can think quickly on your feet. People want to know all about you, but you always maintain an air of mystery. You are one cool frog Spadefoot.
Your Call:
-distinctive, explosive grunt or groan ("Brrrr")
-likened to the sound of young crows
Fun Fact:
You might smell like peanut butter
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What kind of frog are you?