What's Your True Motivation For Learning A Language?
What's Your True Motivation For Learning A Language?
Everyone wants to get to the "fluency" part, but what's really keeping you going along the way?
Everyone wants to get to the "fluency" part, but what's really keeping you going along the way?
Why do you think it's important for people to know other languages?
Do you have any important people in your life who speak another language?
What's your approach to setting (and accomplishing) your goals?
Would you say you enjoy learning new things?
Could you see yourself traveling for work, or moving to a new country?
What's your traveling style?
Which of the following would be the best reason, for you personally, to learn a language?
How do you hope to feel after achieving fluency in a new tongue?
It could be romantic love, or it could be the love you feel for a friend or a family member. It could even be the love you feel for strangers in a foreign country, or the love of culture and diversity. No matter who or what it's for, love is what's pushing you forward, and your motivation for learning a language is fundamentally emotional in nature. If you feel yourself losing steam, don't try to give yourself logical reasons to keep going. Just reconnect with the feeling that started it all.
Personal Growth
Personal Growth
You've never been the kind of person to rest on your laurels, so why stop now? For you, growth is an end unto itself. By the time you achieve one of your goals, three new ones have already sprouted up in its place. Learning a language is a worthy challenge for someone who's always hungry for more, and you love the idea of becoming a more accomplished and well-rounded person. If you feel yourself losing steam, remind yourself of how good it'll feel to check this language off your list.
Mental Stimulation
Mental Stimulation
You're motivated by a desire to learn and keep your brain busy. As it turns out, you're in luck, because language learning has been proven to come with a host of cognitive benefits, ranging from helping to prevent dementia to actually increasing the size of your brain. For you, learning a language isn't just about connecting with others (though this is certainly another form of mental stimulation). When you need a motivational boost, remind yourself of how much stronger your brain is getting.
Career Perks
Career Perks
You're in it to get ahead in the world, and it's probably easy to stay motivated when there are actual dollar signs in your future. Knowing a second (or third...or fourth) language can result in actual increases in your take-home pay, as well as open you up to all kinds of exciting career possibilities. Perhaps a job that involves travel, or teaching in a foreign country? Stay thirsty, and don't give up. Who knows where you'll go next?
For some people, the road always leads to...well, the road. Your ultimate goal is to amass more experiences — not more things. You make money so you can travel, and you learn languages so you can travel more meaningfully. For you, the ability to connect with virtually anyone you meet is your ultimate motivation, and you're unlikely to stop at just two or three languages. When you feel yourself getting behind in your studies, just set your sights on an upcoming trip where you'll need your skills.
What's Your True Motivation For Learning A Language?
Why do you think it's important for people to know other languages?