Do You Have A Chance With him?
Do You Have A Chance With him?
Have you wondered if you have a chance with the cute guy that you've been secretly starring at when he's not looking at you? Well, take this quiz to find out if you do! No jokes! Honest questions! Let's get started!
Have you wondered if you have a chance with the cute guy that you've been secretly starring at when he's not looking at you? Well, take this quiz to find out if you do! No jokes! Honest questions! Let's get started!
Ok first question, how long have you known him?
How often do you see each other?
When you do see each other, do you both engage in conversation and who usually starts the conversation?
When and IF you do have a conversation, where is he looking?
Does he ever tease you playfully?
Have you exchanged each other's social media accounts and/or numbers?
Do you guys text each other/message each other often?
Do you guys share personal information with each other?
Does he ever smile at you?
NOW FOR THE MOMENT OF TRUTH, do you think he likes you and that you both have a chance to be together?
Little to no chance
Little to no chance
Sorry, but I don't think there's any spark between you two. :(
Somewhat of a chance
Somewhat of a chance
There are some sparks flying around and bouncing off the both of you, but they're not set in stone just yet. Why don't you flirt with him a little? Put on a bit of makeup? Remember; a little can go a long way! ;)
Well, well, well! I see the sparks flying between you two! You both have potential together! Why not make the first move and ask him? It doesn't hurt to try! ;)