The Needlessly Difficult 'Mighty Ducks' Ultimate Quiz
The Needlessly Difficult 'Mighty Ducks' Ultimate Quiz
Time to find out whether or not you really know The Mighty Ducks.
Time to find out whether or not you really know The Mighty Ducks.

Who is the original 'Cake-Eater'?
What was Fulton Reed's chances of scoring when he was given a clear shot on goal?
What was the name of the tournament where Team USA beat Iceland in the final?
Name this loveable muppet:
What was the problem with Luis Mendoza?
What was the name of the College/University that granted Team USA a full scholarship?
Who was Gordon Bombay playing for when his hockey career was ended at the start of the 2nd film?
What was the score the first time Iceland played Team USA?
And who scored Team USA's only goal in that game?
The Motto of The Hawks was "It's not worth winning if you can't ____ ____!"
Who was the coach that everybody hated initially in the third movie?
What did the players of District 5 use as shinpads before financial investment?
Hendrix Hockey was the sponsor of Team USA in the second movie, but who was their president?
Who was the opponent when Team USA's tutor Miss McKay had to take over as coach?
Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney came from Maine, but which town that is also a town in Northern Ireland did she come from?
Which of these players did not appear in all three films?
Who actually farted in the group while all the players were tied up on the ice in the second film, after everyone blamed Goldberg?
What did Gordon Bombay do with "the enemy" that made his players lose faith in him?
What did Russ Tyler's brother whisper to himself as the team left the "street hockey" game to return to the tournament?
What number did Dwayne Robertson wear for the Ducks?
What was Averman's summer job?
Why did Adam Banks not finish the state final in the first film?
What does Wolf 'The Dentist' Stansson STILL owe Gordon Bombay to this day?
Where was Goldberg from?
How did the JV squad prank the Varsity team in the third movie?
Name Iceland's star player who missed a costly shot in the final shootout
And who was this confrontational little fellow from the first movie?
How did Goldberg sabotage Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney's position as #1 goaltender in the third film?
What was Charlie Conway's backup plan after quitting the team with Fulton Reed?
What was Gordon Bombay's licence plate when he was pulled over for drink driving at the start of the first time?