What Holiday Are You?
What Holiday Are You?
Every one loves holidays! Some holidays may describe you! Play this game to find out which holiday suits you best!
Every one loves holidays! Some holidays may describe you! Play this game to find out which holiday suits you best!

Whats better?
Who's the best gift giver?
What do you usually eat at dessert on a holiday?
Which candy is your favorite?
What's your favorite animal
How do you spend your holiday?
What ice cream flavor do you like best on holidays?
You love to bring joy to the world, by spreading some Christmas cheer to everyone! You are fun and put smiles on peoples faces. You are definitely on Santa's nice list!
You love to have kids go around their house searching for eggs and looking in their Easter baskets! You love Easter because you get to go see the Easter bunny and you LOVE
candy! So color your eggs and go to sleep so the Easter bunny brings you extra!
You love to bring family and friends together to enjoy a feast! You love that feeling when you are watching the game with everyone and your team wins. Well bring out the turkey and everyone gather around the dinner table because Thanksgiving is the holiday for you!
Your birthday
Your birthday
It's exciting knowing your a year older, but what is the best part of your birthday? Cake? Presents? Or, spending it with the people who care about you. You love to have friends over or even spend it alone with family! You love to eat cake and open gifts. So just get Happy because you love Birthdays!
4rth of july
4rth of july
You love to watch fire works with friends and family.
So get snuggled under a blanket because you love The 4rth of July!
You love to get all dressed up and get candy or even pass it out either way you are having fun, and that,s what Halloween is all about!
Valentines day
Valentines day
You are full of love and excitement so go share it with other people. Happy valentines day.