What flavor gummy bear are you?
What flavor gummy bear are you?
We are all gummy bears, what one are you?
We are all gummy bears, what one are you?

What do you like to do in your spare time?
What field do you want to work in?
What is your favorite color of the following?
If you could have an expense free trip where would you go?
Favorite animal of the following?
Favorite book genre?
You are a classic, and loved by everyone. But you also have a little spunk and enjoy doing your own thing every now and then. You are also very wise and know right from wrong easily. So you are generally the wise one in the group though sometimes you don't follow your own advice. But since you are so good-natured your friends and family have your back.
You are the sweet girl-next-door. You like spending time with your friends and family, and will help them whenever you can. You are the friend in the group who will have their back through thick and thin. But you wish for everyone to like you and only some haters and bullies don't, just don't let them get you down.
Blue Rasberry
Blue Rasberry
You are the bit of spunk and sass that makes life interesting. Though you are normally sweet and loving you will not be mistaken for weak and will not tolerate being fooled with. Even though you are standing up for yourself you can sometimes get carried away and be seen as frightening. You are incredibly social and have a lot of friends that love you for being outgoing, fun and up for any adventure!
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, or go pucker-faced. You come off as very tough but you have a soft-side that comes out with people you know well. Not everyone gets to see this soft-side and might find you frightening. But you have
good friends that will stick with you no matter what, and if anyone messes with you they will not get too far...
No one can come close to strawberry. But your looks can be deceiving but that is only because you don't want to let your guard down and will gladly let the people who you are close to know your true colors. But you don't want to seem like a weak person so you keep your guard up around people you aren't familiar with but will let it down as soon as you know their names. Your friends will stick by you and stand up for you against the haters and you will do the same for them.