Films which predicted the future
Films which predicted the future
Can you guess the films which gave viewers a tantalising glimpse into present-day tech?
Can you guess the films which gave viewers a tantalising glimpse into present-day tech?
A nice easy one to start. Which 1998 film encompassed all the fears of a technology-enabled police state?
Which film featured public billboards that spoke directly to pedestrians, as we have seen with OfferMoments?
Where did viewers in 1968 get a glimpse into tablet computing?
Testosterone-fuelled lads tried to create a perfect woman from a Barbie doll in a precursor (of sorts) to 3D printing. But what was the film?
Drones play a fundamental, and controversial, part in modern warfare. Where did we see them first?
We’ve all used Skype, WhatsApp, Apple Facetime or Facebook to speak face-to-face with someone. But which 80s blockbuster showed us what was possible with video calling?
What about self-driving cars?
Real-time language translator Mymanu could take the world by storm. But haven’t we seen this before?
Ordering that Two for Tuesdays Domino’s using Just Eat.
We now take it for granted as we hibernate at home, avoiding human contact at all costs. But in which film did Jim Carrey predict online gaming?