Which Divergent Character are you?

From the brave Tris to the evil Jeanine, find out who you are!

Becca Wassmuth
Created by Becca Wassmuth(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Would you skydive off a plane?

Would you sacrifice yourself for your friend?

What faction do you think you would best be fitted for?

Who would you kill?

What is your worst fear?

How long do you think you would last in battle before you die?



You are brave and fight hard. You will work hard to get your goal. But, you might kill a friend in the process.



You hate showing your weaknesses and don't trust anyone. You always like your own opinion, which isn't always right.



You are a loyal, but fierce friend. You forgive, but do not forget.



You are cruel and selfish. The end. Have fun with your evil life!!



You will do anything to get your way, even if it comes to killing innocent people. You don't care about anyone but yourself and will harm others if they get in your way.

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