Which Mickey Mouse Are You?
Which Mickey Mouse Are You?
Are you cute, old, mischievous, or funny?
Are you cute, old, mischievous, or funny?
Do you have kids?
What do you like to do for fun?
What kind of job do you have?
Have you been to Disney World or Disneyland?
Are you a Mousketeer?
What is your favorite Disney Song from this list?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your favorite Disney movie from this list?
What is your guilty pleasure?
Finally, which of these Walt Disney quotes do you most identify with?
"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" Mickey
"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" Mickey
You are Mickey from The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! You are very resourceful, friendly, and ready to help others in a jam. You also are a born leader and teacher!
"Steamboat Willie" Mickey
"Steamboat Willie" Mickey
You are Mickey from Steamboat Willie! You are a happy-go-lucky entertainer. You have been around for a while. But that doesn't mean you've lost your style. Not only do you still entertain, but you have been known as a trailblazer in your field.
"Disney World" Mickey
"Disney World" Mickey
You are Mickey from Disney World! You are ready to welcome anyone in your world. You are very hospitable and make people feel right at home. People are always happy when you're around. They might even wait in line to meet up with you!
Mickey Mouse Watch
Mickey Mouse Watch
You are Mickey in the watch! You are a trusty adviser and always on time! People can always count on you! You always give people a smile when they reach out for your helping hand!
"Sorcerer's Apprentice" Mickey
"Sorcerer's Apprentice" Mickey
You are Mickey from the Sorcerer's Apprentice! You look very powerful on the outside. But in reality, you are pretty mischievous. You get yourself into a bit of trouble from time to time. Luckily, those around you find you super lovable and are always there for you!
Baby Mickey Mouse
Baby Mickey Mouse
You are Baby Mickey Mouse! Can you get any cuter? You make people smile wherever you go. You are also called on to be the guest of honor at many 1st birthday parties.
Vegas Pseudo Mickey Mouse
Vegas Pseudo Mickey Mouse
Um, you aren't really Mickey Mouse. You'd rather be in Vegas than Disneyland. But maybe you can make a few bucks in tips on the strip.