Buc Noi: Founder of M.O.B Serial Entrepreneur and Rising Artist

Beethy Chang
Created by Beethy Chang (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 6, 2019
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Buc Noi is an ambitious serial entrepreneur, founder of the M.O.B (Minds of Billionaires) brand and recording artist. Originally from Salt Lake City, Noi has made the DC Metro area his hometown and base for all things related to his brand and music. We sat with Buc Noi recently for a one on one interview regarding the path that has brought him to the current successes of his career.

As a groundbreaking Asian-American Hip Hop artist, Buc Noi is most focused on giving back to his audience, increasing his fanbase and building his brand into a worldwide empire. He states, "If there is one thing that I could change about the culture of today's music industry, it would be for the labels to educate artists more on the business side, so all parties involved can have a greater chance at success."

His new brand M.O.B (Minds of Billionaires) that he launched in early 2019, complements the message that he shares to his audience through his music and lyrics. Buc Noi remains a true hustler in terms of business whether it is in regards to his music or his companies. Noi states, “I’m a businessman. Although I am continuing to record music, it goes hand in hand with my M.O.B brand. I am extremely focused on the business side of the music industry as well as making sure my brand continues to stay successful.”

Buc Noi’s fans can follow him and his company brands online via the website and social media links below for upcoming show dates, single releases, video releases as well as his Minds of Billionaires website for all of the latest merch and products. 
Website:  https://mindsofbillionaires.club/
MOB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minds.of.billionaires/
Buc Noi Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/buc_noi/
Buc Noi Twitter: https://twitter.com/BucNoi
Buc Noi YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCetCdFYS42_BKgXFjB7rHkA
Buc Noi Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6nmikKBZHqo5wJ6S3BLo1O
Buc Noi Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/buc-noi/1456036184

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