Which TV show superhero/vigilante are you?

If you love superhero/vigilante shows, this quiz is for you!

Bel Cat
Created by Bel Cat(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 16, 2016

Which clique were/are you in at school?

Who would you want as a sidekick if you were a vigilante/superhero?

What would be your main goal as a superhero/vigilante?

Which of these jobs would you prefer?

Which of these situations is the least desirable?

Which of these animals is your favourite?

When you're angry, what do you do?

Which weapon?

Favourite colour/shade?

How's your love life?



You are Daredevil, AKA Matt Murdock. You're a smart, brilliant person who takes your talents as an opportunity to help others. You have high ambitions and will do anything it takes to achieve your goals. Sometimes you let your emotions get the better of you, but that passion can be used for productivity.



You are Oliver Queen, AKA The Arrow. Mysterious and charming, some might think of you as just another pretty face, but underneath it all you are a true hero. Fierce and determined, once you set a goal, the world better get out of your way. You have trouble letting people in, but once you do, it's an unbreakable bond.

The Flash

The Flash

You are The Flash, AKA Barry Allen. You are the fastest man/woman alive! Not only do you possess the ability of super speed, but you also have the values of a great friend. You are always willing to help others, as well as be supportive of those close to you.

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones

You are Jessica Jones. You’re slightly cynical about life, but sometimes you give a damn. You are strong — not just physically, but mentally. You show the world what it really means to be a hero.

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