1 In 4 People Are Unaware That They Are Psychopaths. Are You One Of Them?
1 In 4 People Are Unaware That They Are Psychopaths. Are You One Of Them?
It's time to discover the truth.
It's time to discover the truth.

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What do you see?
How does this make you feel?
You're A Full On Psychopath
You're A Full On Psychopath
You may not be aware of this, but you are a full on psychopath. You've got a charming and charismatic personality. Intelligence and ambition are two of your strongest qualities. Most people see you as cool, calm and collected - confident too. But there is a emotionally shallow, detached from reality persona lurking inside of you that you aren't even aware of. You're a bit of a manipulative narcissist. The good news is, if you realize how good you are at separating your emotions from your behavior, you can use your cunning personality to succeed and make logical decisions in life, rather than let your psychopathic nature lead you to evil.
You Have Psychopathic Tendancies
You Have Psychopathic Tendancies
You're not 1 in 4 who happens to be a total psychopath, but you do have psychopathic tendencies. You quite easily go back in forth between being introverted or antisocial and then exhibiting bold and disinhibited behavior. At the end of the day, you're an empathetic and kind person, which is why you're not a total psycho. Watch out for people with your ability to turn their charm on and off like a faucet who also have no empathy or feelings. They're the real psychos to watch out for.
You're Definitely NOT A Psychopath
You're Definitely NOT A Psychopath
You're not 1 in 4 people who are unbeknownst to their psychopathy. You're the opposite- a lovely, empathetic and altruistic human being! You're very introspective, so you didn't need us to tell you this. You can easily admit to mistakes and you are totally self-aware. Feeling sympathy for others is one of your strongest qualities and it is manifested in how friendly and generous you are. Like everyone, you have your flaws, but luckily you're not a psycho!