What Is The Loudest Emotion Inside Of Your Head?
What Is The Loudest Emotion Inside Of Your Head?
Inspired by Disney Pixar's "Inside Out"
Inspired by Disney Pixar's "Inside Out"
How do you generally feel in the morning?
How do you feel when you think about the future?
Most of your memories are associated with:
How do you usually react when sudden changes happen in your life?
This picture makes you feel:
What's your favorite movie genre?
You just got dumped and your best friend announces they are engaged. What's your reaction?
How does this picture make you feel?
The loudest emotion inside of your head is joy! You are an optimistic, jovial and enthusiastic person who always looks on the bright side of life. No matter how much sadness, fear, anger, jealousy and all of the negative emotions in your head try to steer the wheel you have a wonderful ability to make the best of situations.
Sometimes you are so busy trying to stay positive that you ignore reality and can even be in denial of the severity of some situations. But people still adore you for spreading your light and it's a beautiful quality to always have joy in the forefront of your mind.
The loudest emotion inside of your head tends to be fear. But don't worry, this doesn't necessarily mean you are a fearful person in general. It actually means that you are incredibly perceptive, apprehensive and responsible. You have a realistic outlook on life and are very intelligent with assessing risks and who you should trust.
You have a deep, dark side which you often express through creative or artistic means. Even though fear has a loud voice inside your mind, you cope with the things you are scared of in a very healthy way.
The loudest emotion inside of your head is anger. You are outspoken, short-fused and unafraid to say exactly what's on your mind. Even though you have a temper and are easily affected by the things going on around you, it's only because you are so passionate and have such a strong moral compass that dictates what you believe in.
Just because your anger likes to flare, doesn't mean you aren't sensitive, compassionate and loving. You only get so mad because there are so many things in your life that you care about dearly.
The loudest emotion inside of your head tends to be disgust. This isn't as negative as it sounds! You are an extremely critical thinker, you are always analyzing situations and trying to decide how you feel about things. You never follow the crowd you always dance to the beat of your own drum.
Things like justice, truth and morality are extremely important to you, which is why you so often find yourself disgusted by the state of the world and how some humans behave towards each other. Your skepticism and uneasiness about the world around you come from a place of passion and goodness.
The loudest emotion inside of your head is sadness. You are a beautifully sensitive, introspective and deep person. Your emotional perceptiveness allows you to be extremely empathetic and affected by other people and how they are feeling. Some of the saddest people are the most intelligent because you are able to see things on a very deep and real level.