Which Famous Serial Killer Are You?
Which Famous Serial Killer Are You?
If you were a serial killer, which of these real-life or fictional psychopaths would you be?
If you were a serial killer, which of these real-life or fictional psychopaths would you be?

You’re walking in the woods and you come upon an injured sparrow. Do you:
How do you lure your victims in?
What's your idea of a good time?
What’s the first thing you do after you make a kill?
Which of these images excites you the most?
What kind of childhood did you have?
How would you like people to describe you?
Which of these things brings you the most pleasure or gratification?
Charles Manson
Charles Manson
You are the one and only Charles Manson, the notorious serial killing cult leader of the Helter Skelter apocalypse. Your intoxicating aura draws people to you, and you hypnotize them with your charm and divine-like presence. You are a master teacher and orator and you inspire others to join in your cause. Although you have made some bad choices, you will go down in history for being brilliantly cunning and pulling off a sensational operation that no one will likely ever top.
You are just like jigsaw from the movie 'Saw'. You have always been a little misunderstood due to being a bit of an introvert and keeping to yourself, but your brilliance in mathematics and problem solving is obvious as you are obsessed with riddles and games. After you suffered a close call, you promised yourself you would always show your victims what it's like to be on the brink of death and how much they should appreciate life. Although you are a sick and twisted masochist, you have a soft and gentle soul that just yearns to be loved.
Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper
You are the infamous Jack the Ripper, pacing the streets at night in search of a harlot to slaughter. You like to do things the quick and easy way, without leaving much of a trace, which makes you a very efficient worker. You get great pleasure in playing tricks on people and leaving clues for the authorities to find, knowing that your identity will never be revealed. Although you are legendary for your crimes and assaults, what no one will ever know is that you are really a lonely and hopeless romantic wandering the alleys merely looking for love and affection.
Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter
You are Hannibal Lecter, a highly sophisticated individual with first class taste and the will power to get whatever you want. You are hungry for life and thirsty for power, as you travel the globe seeking out your next victims. Your greatest indulgence comes in the form of cannibalism. You fall in love with people, allowing them to consume you... until you consume them. Although you are a savage criminal, you are a sensitive soul who appreciates beauty and you would share your knowledge in order to help others seek justice.
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy
You are Ted Bundy, a handsome notorious sadist with an evil, wretched soul that takes pleasure in tormenting others. Your ability to recognize right from wrong is completely diluted by your sick and twisted desires, and you are a mystery to anyone who has ever tried to psychoanalyze you. At the end of the day though, everything you have done is just a result of a sad little boy who never knew what it was like to properly be loved. Your story is a tragic one that was cut short before you could flourish into the brilliant person that you were always meant to be.