11 Things Every College Graduate Should Know

This list encompasses some of the things you should know, have, do, or be by the time you graduate college. Some people may still be working on this (including me), but hey what're your mid 20s for right? (Not just job searching and partying on the weekends...trust me)

Benoit Sabourin
Created by Benoit Sabourin(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 4, 2016

Basic geography.

You think I'm kidding, but you would be surprised how many people don't know Nigeria from Niagara Falls. OK, so this one is sort of a light-hearted joke to begin the list, but the following ones are serious. But seriously, look at a map.


Strong work ethic.

Going into the workforce, you won't be able to roll out of bed at 9:15 for your 9:30 meeting and come slumming it up in sweatpants and a hoodie. You've got to learn to be prepared, get to work on time, and be ready to contribute to your team's projects. This may be the most important one.



Your best friend is gay? Cool! Your co-worker is black. Awesome! Your boss is a woman? Even better! As an adult now, you've got to accept and value diversity in your relationships and in the workplace. Hatred and bigotry is so 1900's!


Make mistakes...

...but then learn from them. 20 year olds make mistakes. Hell, 50 year olds make mistakes. You're never going to be perfect. But smart, educated, and resourceful people rarely make the same mistake twice (unless you're Jennifer Lawrence at the Oscars...but when you look that fierce in a dress, it's all good).
Ask another person (who knows what's going on) what you did wrong, and how you can fix it for next time. Trust me, if they care about your success they'll appreciate you coming to them.


Use your time wisely

I remember being able to squeeze by through college waking up at noon everyday, going to a few classes, and then (maybe) doing some homework before going out with friends. In the real world, you're probably going to have a job where you have to wake up BEFORE 9am every day (I know...it's OK to cry). And you'll have to be there until 5. But take advantage of your free time! Join a soccer league, learn to fly a plane, or read a few books. Your time as an adult is precious, and face it...you ain't gettin' any younger! Use your time to be productive with your day, at work and outside of work!


Nail those interview techniques.

So many college graduates entering the real world have never been on a proper interview, thus making them entirely unprepared for when they face their first one. Learn how to sell yourself and your skills to your potential employer. Buy a nice suit! Research the company for which you're interested in working. Build a concise and well-formatted resume. Ask the right questions! You wouldn't believe the amount of people who would be great for a job that don't get it because of a poor interview. Don't let that scrub be you! (Too many Oscar gifs you say? No such thing!)



...but not the way you think. If you're single, stay single for as long as you can! Find love in different ways. The love of travel, the love of friendship, the love of your job, even! Having something you love to do or having someone you love to be around is SO important once you graduate. You have all the time in the world to get married.


Accurate Current Events

Yes, Drake, I am. Don't be that guy/gal. You know who I am talking about...the person who posts on Facebook or Twitter about something, and it's totally not true, or not the whole truth. By all means, engage in dialogue about what's going on in the world...I encourage it! People should know more than just what's going on in their small world...but make sure you're not parading around false information. DON'T BE THAT GUY.


Social. Media. Etiquette.

Speaking of social media...OH. MY. GOD. You just graduated college, you're looking for a job...you really think posting a picture of yourself doing a keg stand is the best idea? Prooooobably not. People (AKA future employers) see that stuff. And unless you're working for a Beer Chugging Contest company, they probably won't appreciate it. And don't post about how much you hate your boss on Facebook. Unless you're looking for a reason to get fired. Just sayin'.


Basic skills

Don't let this be you...learn to cook for yourself. File your own taxes. Tie a tie. Do your own laundry...the list could go on and on and on. These are just a few examples of a core group of basic skills you should have going into the real world. There are a multitude of resources out there to teach you how to do them all, and if that doesn't work, your mom is always a fail safe. She knows everything.

Visit http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/54-things-everyone-needs-know-how.html for a great list!


Using your parents.

Throughout college, you may think you know it all. But, I've learned to rely more on my parents now that I am out of college than any other time in my life. They are my advisers, my counselors, my best friends, and my truth tellers. Your parents will always have your best interest at heart, so listen to them. Go and get lunch with them as much as you can...you won't regret it.

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