What 8th generation console is best for you
What 8th generation console is best for you
Find out the 8th gen console for you
Find out the 8th gen console for you

How Much Money are you willing to spend on a game console?
How important are graphics to you?
What do you prefer?
How much time do you dedicate to games
How much do you travel
Whats your favorite genre
What do you have brand loyalty too?
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Wii U
Wii U
You Should get a Wii U This console specializes in exclusive games and creativity its sold for about $300.00.
You have picked the PS4 with some of the best graphics good online play and a great controller and a cost of $400.00
Xbox 1
Xbox 1
The Xbox 1 the most expensive home console is the home of many of the best shooters. and the best online multiplayer
The home of the best graphics and also can be uses for other things
Smart Phone
Smart Phone
This is the worst thing that happened to mankind plays the worst but cheapest excuses for games.
A great game console on the go with a bunch of great games.
PS Vita
PS Vita
The PS vita the closest thing to a game console in your pocket