Which Natural Disaster Are You?
Which Natural Disaster Are You?
Which force of nature do you resonate with?
Which force of nature do you resonate with?

What is your favorite color?
The perfect place on earth to live in your opinion is...
What was the best day of your week?
Which element do you connect with most?
In what month do you celebrate your birthday?
What's your favorite dessert?
What do you usually drink when you go out?
It is your friend's birthday, what do you get them?
You are a tornado. You are highly unpredictable, wild, very fierce and can be vicious. Your moods can be calm and destructive at the drop of a hat. You are a force of nature to reckon with.
You are the volcano. You can be calm, a beautiful sight to behold. However, in another moment you can erupt in a fury that devastates anything in your path.
You are the earthquake. You like to shake things up and can get a bit aggressive. When angry you like to turn the world upside down.
You are the hurricane. You are powerful, unstoppable, and you have an enduring power to you that can outlast many others.
You are the blizzard. You can be cold as hell. At times it seems ice runs in your veins. You are beautiful but can be deadly in a flip of a second.
You are the thunderstorm. You move fast, you can be equally terrifying as beautiful. You light up a place wherever you go.