What elemental power do you have?
What elemental power do you have?
In this quiz, find out what elemental power you have based on your life and personality.
In this quiz, find out what elemental power you have based on your life and personality.
Created by BerryStudios (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 7, 2017
What do you do in your free time?
What color is your hair?
Which of these have you read?
Which power do you want?
What word would you describe yourself with.
You are a fierce fire user! You have the power of the flame.
You are an intelligiant water bender. You care about knowledge and the good of animals.
You are a quiet, shy and get mad easily, however you have on of the strongest powers.
You are cool... No, you are powerful, but what most effects your powers is your emotions.
You were never meant for powers, and you don't have the knowledge/power to survive with these.
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