Which type of Model UN committee is right for you?
Which type of Model UN committee is right for you?
There are so many different types of committees on the circuit - time to find out which one is right for you!
There are so many different types of committees on the circuit - time to find out which one is right for you!

What is your best MUN-skill?
The night before the big conference, you can be found:
Your favorite part of committee is:
Your Western Business Attire includes:
Your favorite topics to discuss include:
Pick a lapel pin.
The best word to describe your research binder is:
Your favorite conferences are:
During lunch, you can be found:
The General Assembly
The General Assembly
General Assemblies are some of the largest, most competitive committees at Model UN conferences that require strong leadership skills and the ability to stand out to become successful in. Your assertive, bombastic style makes you are perfect candidate, and your country's name is sure to be referenced across the committee when discussing resolution ideas and policy. From DISEC to SOCHUM to Legal, your attributes make you a great candidate to be successful in these bodies.
The Economic and Social Council
The Economic and Social Council
The Economic and Social Council includes a wide range of committees, from the Environmental Programme to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development. Your ability to work the room and make friends with a diverse array of people comes in handy here, as you have the ability to become the leader of debate on many different topics and coordinate many different ideas into a cohesive resolution. With all sorts of people found in ECOSOCs, your diplomatic and fun nature is sure to shine through when delegates are looking with the perfect person to collaborate with, and your intelligent and enthusiastic nature will put you in the prime position to lead your caucus bloc.
The Security Council
The Security Council
The Security Council is made up of only fifteen Member States, with the five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom) all holding veto power. This committee is the only one in the United Nations with the power to create sanctions, mandate peacekeeping missions, and take direct action; everything else comes in the form of recommendations. Because of this, the SC attracts some of Model UN's best and most competitive delegates, and your true passion for MUN, knowledge of the topics at hand, and focus on realistic, pointed, solutions will allow you to succeed. The "Most Likely to be Secretary-General" superlative is sure to be yours!
Crisis Committees
Crisis Committees
Crisis committees are some of the newest and most exciting experiences on the circuit. Due to their fast-paced nature and propensity towards schemes and chaos, they attract the shrewd, intelligent delegates who are good at playing close attention to detail and researching topics and plans thoroughly. Incorporating anything from famous historical crises to cabinets responding to today's most pressing current events, your competitive, focused, and sharp nature makes you the perfect candidate to create the perfect plans that include anything from assassinating a fellow delegate to starting a drug cartel to even taking over another country. Just wait a few sessions until purposefully starting a worldwide nuclear war, okay?