Which The Big Bang Theory Character Are You?
Which The Big Bang Theory Character Are You?
It all started with the big bang.
It all started with the big bang.

It's Friday night and you have no plans to go out. Choose a science fiction film to watch:
What will you wear to work tomorrow?
What's your dream type of government?
Which superhero are you most likely to dress up as for Halloween?
Describe your perfect day:
You get into an argument about dinosaurs with your colleagues (naturally) - which one do you believe is the best?
The cocktail you are most likely to order is a...
The country you most admire?
Describe your perfect room-mate:
What are your thoughts on revenge?
What's most important to you?
To you, being a geek is:
The best way to meet new people is:
"People get things they don't deserve all the time. Like me with you."
You got Leonard because you possess a moral compass, are (relatively) well-adjusted and mostly try to look out for your friends. Not the leader the geeks need but the one they deserve.
"I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad."
You got Sheldon because of your obvious intellect and an ego so big it has its own gravitational pull. Deep down everyone knows you're a big softy though.
"Okay, I don't know where this is going, but tread carefully, because this may be the last conversation we ever have."
You got Penny because of your secret geekdom, your deep-seated suspicion of science, and your undeniably big heart.
"If it's 'creepy' to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then fine, I'm 'creepy'."
You got Howard because of your exuberance, hidden depths, unique dress sense and begrudging acceptance of when you yourself become the joke.
"Cute is for bunnies. I want to be something with sex appeal. Like a labradoodle."
You got Raj because of your unstoppable cuteness, your struggles with the opposite sex, and your susceptibility to outside influences.
"I told you you shouldn't have espresso after dinner. I know the little cups make you feel big but it's not worth it."
You got Bernadette because you call the shots in almost everything you do, be it the boardroom or your home, while you are tolerant if not overly welcoming of the geekiest pastimes.
" As my mom used to say, 'When you're doing a puzzle, it's like you've got a thousand friends.' She was full of fun lies like that."
You got Amy because of your amazing brain and its even more amazing ability to say the weirdest things at the most inappropriate of times.
Will Wheaton
Will Wheaton
Did that guy just say 'Revenge is a dish best served cold' to me in Klingon?"
You got Will Wheaton because you lack redeemable qualities, tend to inspire nothing but a desire to best you, and are probably in fact pure evil.