Japan Is Exploding With These Crazy Stockings With Pre-Painted Toenails

Japan is home to the beautiful... and the strangely awesome!

Beth Porters
Created by Beth Porters
On Apr 25, 2016

Meet the "toe-tally", the bizarre Japanese invented toe stockings that have painted nails on them.


Personally, we think that the stockings look a bit creepy, but if you hate painting your nails they are a lifesaver.


Need a color to match your new shoes? No problem! Want Disney themed nails to match your outfit? No worries! These stockings have nails to match just about any mood or need.


They are cheaper than a pedicure and come off in a snap.


For more info about this unique invention you can check out the original article here: http://www.boredpanda.com/toe-nail-art-polish-stockings-japan/

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021