What kind of Rebel are you?

Rebel has multiple characteristics that make up her loving, carefree and fearless spirit. What kind of Rebel are you? Take this quiz to find out!

BET Networks
Created by BET Networks (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 20, 2017

Will you fight for your loved ones?

What's your best form of therapy?

How do you deal with confrontation?

How do you feel about the legal and justice system?

Which one of these answers best describes your wish for world peace?

Protective Rebel

Protective Rebel

You love hard, especially for those you care about. You'll always look out for others who deserve to be looked out for. You are selfless. You will give your all when it's necessary because you know what's right should always conquer. You are a Protective Rebel!

Fearless Rebel

Fearless Rebel

As fearless as it gets. You're not afraid to tell people things for what it is and be blunt about issues at hand. You love hard and show it, but you also don't let anyone mess with those you care about. You're always aware of your surroundings and you stand up for yourself and what's right. You go, Fearless Rebel!

Poetic Rebel

Poetic Rebel

You're free spirited and soulful. You find power in words, even if it's not in spoken word form. You believe in movements by numbers, as well as power within yourself. You are a poetic soul and have multiple methods of protecting your spirit. Preach on, Poetic Rebel!

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