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Which Disney Heroine Are You?

Are you wild? Graceful? Loving? Mysterious? Find out which Disney heroine best matches your personality!

Created by BewareMyShadow (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 11, 2016

Let's start easy. What's your favorite color?

Which element do you most align with?

You would describe yourself as (positively)...

You would best describe yourself as (negatively)...

If you saw a starving child, you would...

When you're given a problem to solve...

When deciding what to wear, you...

What's your favorite season?



You are strong and fierce, and you're not afraid to do things your own way. Your wild spirit makes you unique and beautiful in your own way, and you want nothing more in the world than to be free.

You make sure that your world is the way you want your world to be. You're independent, and you'll dare to do wild things. You're fierce, and nothing will come between you and what you want.



You're independent in your own way. You are fun-loving and you want to find something that really means a lot to you. You're curious about the world around you, and you'll do whatever it takes to find out what you want to know.

You're sweet and bright, and overall just lovable. You often act on instinct, but that's what makes you yourself and makes you beautiful in the long run. You have your own opinions and you're not afraid to voice them. Nothing comes between you and what you want.



You are compassionate and curious, and you just won't be confined by any restrictions. You're definitely more of the academic kind, and you enjoy being your intelligent self. You'll keep going, and you won't stop until you find what you're looking for.

Don't be afraid to be unconventional, because that's just who you are. That's what makes you special and beautiful in your own way. You aren't daunted easily by difficult tasks, and you're loyal and determined.



To start out, let's say you're extremely diligent and hard-working; you're not daunted by any tedious or difficult tasks. But you have your own dream, and you'll do your best to fulfill it and reach your destiny.

You're optimistic, and a bit of a dreamer. You have a strong connection to your friends and you're known for being good-hearted and sweet.



You're independent, and you're not afraid to do your own thing. If you don't want something, just don't go through with it. You can be kind-hearted and compassionate when you want to be, but you can also be stubborn and headstrong if anything gets in your way.

You have your dreams, and nothing that happens to you will get in your path. You're directly set on your one goal, and you're going to get there, not matter how much fighting and sass you need. That's what makes you beautiful.



You're unruly and fierce. You're a rebel at heart, and you know it, but you're special in that way. Don't always follow the rules like a perfect girl; sometimes you need to step up and free your spirit.

You're tough, defiant, and courageous. That all just builds up your rebel heart and helps you to stand up for yourself. You're independent, and you're proud of it.



You're mature for your age, and quite serious. Still, you have a bright side which shows when you're truly happy. You try as hard as you can to stick to the rules, but sometimes, it's just not possible.

You're caring, which is what often leads you to make the actions you make. You do what you think is right, regardless of the rules in place, which is what makes you special.



You're courageous and unique, to say the least. You don't always fit in easily into the position that you're supposed to be, or the role you're supposed to play, but you have your own path, and you're willing to shape it however you want.

You're creative and strong, and you sometimes act on impulse - which is what leads you to make your actions and decisions from your heart. Your resourcefulness and strength - both physically and mentally - is what makes you beautiful.

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