Which Jersey Shore guido are you?
Which Jersey Shore guido are you?
The cabs are here!!!
The cabs are here!!!

How important is being tan to you?
Which cast member could you see yourself being best friends with?
How good are you at picking up chicks at the club?
How likely are you to start a fight in a bar?
What's your biggest fear?
What would you consider your best trait?
Which is most important to you, gym, tanning, or laundry?
Do you like drama?
What do you spend the most time on when getting ready to go out?
How would you describe yourself?
Pauly D
Pauly D
You are not only the tannest of the group, but you have the best hair and you rarely lose your cool. Your bromance is very important to you as well.
Mike "The Situation"
Mike "The Situation"
You tend to start drama and you are obsessed with having a nice body. You say you get more girls than you actually do.
You are the meathead of the group and you are always in the gym. You have no problem hooking up with girls at the club and then going home to your girlfriend. NICE
Your bromance means everything to you and you are the least tan of the group. However, you are the most down to Earth.