Self-Awareness for EQ
Self-Awareness for EQ
Find out how good your self-awareness skills are!
Find out how good your self-awareness skills are!

This quiz evaluates your skills in the self-awareness quadrant of emotional intelligence.
Please be honest and answer according to what you really do, feel or think. There are no ‘right’ answers.
Read each statement carefully and give yourself a ranking based on how often you employ that skill.
I know which emotions I am feeling and why
I realise the links between my feelings and what I think do and say
I recognise how my feelings affect my performance
I have a guiding awareness of my values and goals
I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses
I am reflective and learn from experience
I am open to candid feedback, new perspectives, continuous learning and self-development
I am able to show a sense of humour and perspective about myself
I present myself with self-assurance
I have 'presence'
I can voice views that are unpopular and go out on a limb for what is right
High Score
High Score
Self-awareness is ability to recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviour.
A high score indicates you demonstrate a high level of confidence with your self-awareness skills. You know your strengths and weaknesses and are able to step outside yourself and deliberately focus on how you feel and react in a variety of situations.
Average Score
Average Score
Self-awareness is ability to recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviour.
An average score indicates that your skills in the self-awareness quadrant of emotional intelligence are fair, but not excellent. This is not a weakness in your emotional intelligence skill set, but it is definitely an area you could focus on should you wish to improve your EQ.
Low Score
Low Score
Self-awareness is ability to recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviour.
A low score indicates you are not at all confident in your self-awareness skills. When you’re ready to work on improving your emotional intelligence, ensure that you spend time improving the skills in this quadrant.