What do you know about the Members of Knesset?
What do you know about the Members of Knesset?
Answer the questions and find out!
Answer the questions and find out!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's first degree was in what subject?
How many former IDF Chiefs of Staff serve in the Knesset today?
Which of the following is not a descendant of a former Member of Knesset?
Who is the Knesset member with the longest cumulative number of years in the current Knesset?
The salary of the Speaker of the Knesset is identical to that of...
Which of the following Knesset members was first elected at a young age of thirty?
To be a Knesset Member it is mandatory...
In the event that a Member of Knesset was convicted in a final judgment of a criminal offense with moral turpitude...
What "station" in their professional development is shared by the most Knesset members today?
For how many current MKs, is this their first term?