Personality Quiz: Which Deadly Sin Are You?
Personality Quiz: Which Deadly Sin Are You?
Does your life's motivation come from envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, or wrath? Find out with this short personality quiz.
Does your life's motivation come from envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, or wrath? Find out with this short personality quiz.

Which CAR do you prefer?
Which FOOD do you prefer?
Which COLOR are you most passionate about?
Which type of SHOE do you prefer?
Which ANIMAL are you most like?
Which ICE CREAM flavor do you prefer?
Which COUNTRY do you prefer?
What type of HOUSE do you want?
How do you like to EAT your meal?
What SPORT do you prefer?
Envy controls you! You often think, “Why can’t I be as popular as my co-workers?” Your life consists of trying to catch up with your friends and be the center of attention. You must be the best at every activity you try. You are driven to be the BEST…at everything!
You are controlled by gluttony! You often think, “Can I have just one more? Why not!” Life often consists of activities, gatherings and adventures where you go all out and do not hold back. Your are driven by excess in almost all areas of life.
Greed controls you! You lay in bed at night scheming how you can swindle more wealth, power or material possessions. Enough is not a word in your vocabulary. The mansion on the hill will never be enough for you. You live with the constant desire for more and an insatiable appetite for an excess of possessions.
Lust controls you! You cannot help your intense longings and passions. Your mind constantly strays to think about your passions and where you can satisfy your thoughts. You are not content with your current relationships and desire something more.
Pride controls you! You often think about how must better you are than those around you. Your life's goal is to continually place yourself above your acquaintances. You have an elevated and excessive view of your own talents and skills. You loudly let others know this fact.
Sloth controls you! You are continually looking for ways to avoid work, tasks and responsibilities. You desire to keep your excessive laziness intact. The talents and skills you possess you refuse to use and desire no passion for improvement or enrichment.
Wrath controls you! You cannot control your anger and cannot forgive or forget those who have wronged you! Your life is filled with uncontrollable outbursts toward those who cross your path. You are not content to remain silent, and must speak up, revealing your excessive feelings of wrath.