Which NBA player are you?

A personality quiz based off of NBA players.

Created by BigKevin6 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What are u like?

What is your outcome?

What is your expertise?

What would be your reaction to getting fouled out?

How many games are there in an NBA season?

Which role would u like to partake?

What shoe brand would u wear?

Your Dunking Style?

How many years do you see yourself playing?

What type of people do you associate yourself with?



You are a happy player! you are happy to be with your teammates, and glad to be there.



You are a sad player! you bring negativity to your team and make everyone down when your around.



You are a crazy player! you like to bring lots of emotion to your team and great energy.



You are a funny player! you like to joke around with your teammates and have fun.

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