Only 2% Of The Population Can Pass This Basic Survival Skills Test
Only 2% Of The Population Can Pass This Basic Survival Skills Test
9 questions. Let's get started!
9 questions. Let's get started!

Your Cessna plane is going down! Pick the best place to land:
What is the most certain way to make sure suspect water is pure and safely disinfected?
Why should you try to avoid sleeping directly on the ground?
How do you know when the bright side of the moon is in the west?
Where's the safest spot to cross the creek?
The period of time you can survive without water depends on what?
When picking your survival shelter site make sure it is placed:
If you're looking for insects to eat, which ones should you AVOID?
And last, which of these wild berries are safe when ripe and cooked, but can cause nausea when eaten off of the bush?
Passed! You'd survive!
Passed! You'd survive!
You passed a Survival Skills Test only 2% of the population can. You'd be able to survive in situations ranging from being lost in the wilderness to being trapped in a place where you'd have to boil water for safety. You are not only very adaptable, but also incredibly clever. Share your results with someone who has always doubted your survival skills!
Failed :(
Failed :(
Though you are a great listener and fast learner, you got a few important questions wrong. You wouldn't make it. However, we can change that right now! Make sure you don't hike alone. If you do, be sure to bring a physical map. Sometimes you won't be able to use your phone's or car's GPS. Also extra food and water. Share your results with someone you want by your side if you were to get lost!