We Can Guess Your Level Of Education Through A Series Of Random Questions
We Can Guess Your Level Of Education Through A Series Of Random Questions
Only 7 questions!
Only 7 questions!

Pick the age group you fall into.
Are you right handed or left handed?
What is/was your favorite subject in school?
How do you prefer your eggs for breakfast?
What's your favorite season?
Who framed Roger Rabbit?
Finally, would you rather eat tub of mayo or mustard?
You are a High School Drop Out!
You are a High School Drop Out!
You are a High School Drop Out - based on the answer choices you picked. You are smart, but are a trendsetter. You have a billion ideas floating around in your head and high school wasn't the place you wanted to get started on them. Leave us a comment stating what you got and what your level of education really is! :)
You are a High School Graduate
You are a High School Graduate
You are a High School Graduate - based on the answer choices you picked. Whether you have your GED or your diploma hanging up, you take pride in any and all of the hard work you do. You encourage your friends and family to do the same. Leave us a comment stating what you got and what your level of education really is! :)
You are a College Drop Out!
You are a College Drop Out!
You are a College Drop Out - based on the answer choices you picked. It's true, college isn't for everyone. Whether you left because of financial reasons, personal reasons, bad grades, or even because you just weren't feeling it, you still hold a few things you learned from college close to you. You are a social butterfly who doesn't have a hard time making friends and you are a very understanding person. Leave us a comment stating what you got and what your level of education really is! :)
You have a Bachelor's Degree!
You have a Bachelor's Degree!
You have a Bachelor's Degree - based on the answer choices you picked! You went to college to not only make your family proud, but to open the door to many new possibilities. You are driven, ambitious, and clever. Share your results with a friend and see what education level they get! :)
You have a Master's Degree!
You have a Master's Degree!
You have a Master's Degree - based on the answer choices you picked. You continued your college journey for you and you only, you didn't wanna stop at a Bachelor's Degree. You are patient, a strong leader, and a persistent person. Leave us a comment stating what you got and what your level of education really is! :)
You have a PhD!
You have a PhD!
You have a PhD - based on the answer choices you picked! You went or will go the extra mile! You are a go-getter, strong willed, and intelligent (in books and common sense). You love a good challenge and love having options as well. Leave us a comment stating what you got and what your level of education really is! :)