Which Hogwarts House Would You Be A Professor For?
Which Hogwarts House Would You Be A Professor For?
7 questions, one house!
7 questions, one house!

(You have to pick one of the following)
Dedication, hard work, fair play, and kindness; you'd be a Hufflepuff professor!
Though you treat your wizards with kindness, you believe hard work is the way to success. You don't believe in cutting corners or cheating and you preach that to your wizards everyday. You teach "Care of Magical Creatures" at 14:00 on Mondays.
Share your results with a fellow Hogwarts Wizard!
Resourceful, cunning, and ambitious; you would be a Slytherin professor!
You take up the mantle from Professor Snape and you're doing everything to make him proud. You embarrass late wizards and witches to teach them a lesson and you dare not show favoritism. You transform the minds of new wizards and witches in order to make them ambitious, intelligent, and persistent.
You teach potions 11:00 on Fridays.
Share your results with a fellow Slytherin!
Intelligent, witty, and accepting are just a few words that describe you. You would, without a doubt, be a Ravenclaw Professor.
You go above and beyond to make sure your wizards know your classes are a place where they can creatively express themselves and be an individual. You are all about keeping your wizards on their feet so pop quizzes are something you don't shy away from!
You teach "Defense Against The Dark Arts" 13:00 on Tuesdays!
Share your results with a muggle who wishes they were a Ravenclaw wizard!
"Be brave and be daring" hangs on a banner behind your desk in your classroom; you'd be a Gryffindor professor.
Because you looked up to Minerva McGonagall you try to incorporate some of the things she did while you were one of her young wizards into your own classes. You avoid transfiguring your students, but you make sure they know you mean business.
You teach "Charms" at 10:00 Wednesdays and send your wizards off to "Flying" with Hooch at 12:00!
Share your results with a friend who is a Gryffindor!